Library > Font


CMS has some built-in Western, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, and Japanese fonts. You can also upload yours here. In this section, we will introduce how you can manage Fonts in LIBRARY > Font page.

Select a group first and you can manage the font that is assigned to this group.

Files & Folders

Upload Fonts

  1. Click the Upload button, Upload button Upload button, and you will see a pop-up window.
  2. Click Browse to select a file; then click Upload.
  3. After you upload a font successfully, you will see that it is shown in the LIBRARY > Font page. However, the system doesn't provide preview of self-uploaded fonts, so you will see a big X, No Preview. The system can only preview the default fonts.

Fonts are stored in the Resource disk. If you run out of disk space, you will not be able to add more fonts into the Resource disk. Please check the usage of Resource Disk in the SYSTEM > Overview page.

Delete Fonts

  1. Move your mouse over the font that you want to delete. Then you will see a trash can iconTrash Can button.
  2. Click the trash can icon; then you can delete the font from the CMS server.

You can't delete the default fonts.