Access > Account


There are two types of accounts for accessing the CMS:

  • Local Users: Accounts created on the CMS server.
  • Domain Users: Accounts managed by the AD server. Any changes to account information must be made on the AD server.


Domain users can perform most management functions on the Web UI, except for the following four functions:

  • Media Folder access by Network Neighborhood under 'controlled access' mode
  • Media Folder access by FTP
  • Allow SuperMonitor access
  • Allow Mobile App access

However, information synchronization settings between the CMS server and the SMP player cannot be managed using domain user accounts. This must be handled by local user accounts because the passwords of domain users are not stored on the CMS server.

Local Users

In CMS server, you can create (user) accounts for different users and assign appropriate management authority to each account.

Local Users
1 Add a new account
2 Current accounts (users)
3 Groups be associated with the selected account
4 Scroll down for more accounts (if needed)
5 Edit: Edit the account. The procedures are similar to "Add account".
6 Delete: Delete the account.

Add/Edit Account

Add account: Click to add a new account. Please follow the steps to add a new account.

  1. Click Add account and you will see a page to add/edit an account.
  2. Enter the account name in the "Username" text box. Enter a password in the "New Password" text box and enter it again in the "New Password Confirm" text box.
  3. Select groups
    In the "Access to groups" area, you can assign the management authority of groups to this account. If you authorize this account to manage all folders in this CMS server, please select "All groups". If you want this account to manage only selected folders, please enable "Select groups". All groups in this CMS server will be listed in the "Groups" area. You can click on add, add to add groups.
  4. Finally, in the "Function Access" area, authorize management activities for this account. If you do not enable any function for this account, the user with this account will not be able to login Web Manager. However, the user can still synchronize contents with the CMS server.
    To set the access right to APP, click app and you can select apps this account can manage on the APP page.
  5. Click SAVE to go back to the main page.
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Domain Users

Once the CMS server successfully connects to the Active Directory server, the user account information from the Active Directory server will be synchronized with the CMS server. To configure Active Directory services, go to System > Services > Active Directory page.

Domain Users
1 Enable all / Disable all
2 Current accounts (users)
3 Groups be associated with the selected account
4 Scroll down for more accounts (if needed)
5 Edit: Edit the account

Add Account

You cannot create domain users directly on the CMS server. To add new accounts, you must go back to the Active Directory server and create the accounts there.

Edit Account

  1. Hover the mouse over the account you want to edit, and the edit icon Edit will appear.
  2. Edit Account
  3. Click the edit icon Edit , and the account editing page will open.
  4. The username cannot be modified within the CMS.
  5. In the "Access to groups" area, you can assign the management authority of groups to this account. If you authorize this account to manage all folders in this CMS server, please select "All groups". If you want this account to manage only selected folders, please enable "Select groups". All groups in this CMS server will be listed in the "Groups" area. You can click on add, add to add groups.
  6. Finally, in the "Function Access" area, authorize management activities for this account. If you do not enable any function for this account, the user with this account will not be able to login Web Manager. However, the user can still synchronize contents with the CMS server.
    To set the access right to APP, click app and you can select apps this account can manage on the APP page.
  7. Click SAVE to go back to the main page.
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