Library > Playlist


CMS supports the playback of a variety of multimedia files. Users can upload all contents to the server, and edit the playlist. Then CMS server will play different multimedia files or sources based on your pre-scheduled playlist. In this section, we will introduce how you can manage playlists in LIBRARY > Playlist page.

Select a group first and you can manage the playlist that is assigned to this group.

Files & Folders

Add a New Playlist

  1. Click Add New Playlist; then the system will open the Add Playlist page. You can choose either General mode or Gesture mode.
    • General mode: Choose this mode when you don’t need to use built-in gestures. In this mode, you can add all multimedia sources (i.e. Remote URL, HTML/Flash, Video, Video Input, Image, Program and xPost) into a playlist.
    • Gesture mode: Choose this mode when your content needs to apply built-in gestures. In this mode, you CANNOT add Video, Video Input and Program into a playlist.
    • Note

      The built-in gestures will not work if you include any CAYIN’s tag (i.e. CAYIN Media Player, Ticker, Image Slideshow, Clock) in an HTML file, even though you add this HTML page as an item in Gesture mode.

  2. Add a new item. There are two ways for you to add a new item.
    • Click Add a new item.
    • Select a multimedia type right beside the add symbol directly.
      Add a New Playlist
  3. Then you can start to complete settings. Configurations will be slightly different based on the multimedia type you choose.
  4. Decide the sequence of this new item in the Playlist. By default, the new item will be inserted as the last item. For example, if you already have five items in this playlist, the system will automatically place this new item at the sixth place. You can also choose to insert this new item between the first and fifth place.
  5. Complete configurations based on the multimedia type you choose.
    Remote URL Specify a URL where SMP can connect to the html content, e.g. http://remote_web_server/path/to/your.html. This method is similar to the way you use in your PC browser. SMP supports HTTPS (SSL) protocol.
    (file in Media Folder)
    Select to play an html or swf file in the Media Folder. By default, CMS will automatically list all html and swf files in the Media Folder, so you can select an item here.
    (files in Media Folder)
    You can insert a list of video files as one of the items in the playlist, and display a full-screen video. Please refer to Library > Probram > Video Zone and click the plus button in front of Media Files to learn detailed instructions on how to edit a video playlist.

    If you play video files in the Media Folder, you will not be able to set the duration. The system will automatically play the next item in this playlist after the system finishes playing the whole list of video files.

    Video Input Play Video-in in full screen. Choose the display ratio.
    (files in Media Folder)
    You can insert a list of image files as one of the items in the playlist, and display a full-screen image. Please refer to Library > Program > Image Zone and click the plus button in front of Media Files to learn detailed instructions on how to edit an image playlist.
    Program You can add a Program in your playlist. Please refer to Library > Program for detailed information about adding or editing a Program.
    xPost You can add CAYIN xPost in your playlist. Please refer to Library > Program > HTML/Flash Zone and click the plus button in front of xPost to learn detailed instructions.
    APP You can add CAYIN’s app in your playlist. Please refer to Library > Program > HTML/Flash Zone and click the plus button in front of APP to learn detailed instructions.
  6. Once you finish all settings above according to your requirements, remember to set the duration of each playback item. After the time is up, the player will play the next item. If you configure the duration as Always, the player will keep playing this item without moving to the next one. You can still use "play-next-item" tag to change the playlist item. For more information about the usage of the tag, please refer to SMP's user manual: Using CAYIN Media Player in HTML > Media Player Tag and Attributes > HTML Code.
  7. Enable the function, Image transition, if you want to insert an image file (JPEG) as a transition between two items. You will see the following settings after you enable this function.
    Image By default, the player will automatically list all image files in the Media Folder, so you can select one here.
    Animation The transition effect when the image enters and leaves the screen. We now provide five options:
    None None
    Fly from left to right Fly from left to right
    Fly from right to left Fly from right to left
    Fly from top to bottom Fly from top to bottom
    Fly from bottom to top Fly from bottom to top
    Speed The speed of animation effect.
    Time for preloading next item You must set the time when you would like the system to start pre-loading the next item (e.g., an html file) before the transition image disappears. For example, the duration of this item is 20 seconds and you want the system to start pre-loading the next item at the 18th seconds, you need to set the number "2 (seconds)" in the field. The number here depends on the loading time of the next item (html).
  8. Click checked button after you complete all settings. Then you will have one item in the Playlist.
  9. Add more items to this playlist if needed. You can add a maximum of 99 items in one Playlist.
  10. You can click the Edit button,Edit button, or the Delete button,Delete button, to edit or delete the item. If you only want to disable one item temporarily without removing it, you can click the checked button,checked button, in front of that item to disable it.
  11. If you want to change the sequence of one item, you can just drag that item and drop into the right position.
  12. Click Save after you add all items you want. Then you will have one playlist in the Playlist table. If you add a playlist in the gesture mode, you will see this icon,gesture icon ,beside the playlist.
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Manage Existing Playlists

Copy Playlist

  1. Move your mouse over the Playlist that you want to copy. Then you will see a copy iconCopy icon.
  2. Click the Copy icon; then you will see a pop-up window.
  3. You can select all or part of playlist items and duplicate them to another playlist.
New a Playlist Enter a new playlist's name here and you can duplicate it to the new playlist.
Duplicate to Playlist … Select a target playlist and replace its contents with the items in the source playlist.
Append to Playlist … Select a target playlist and the items in the source playlist will be added to the end of the target playlist.
Insert at Playlist … Item … Select a target playlist and item and the items in the source playlist will be inserted to the target playlist and be listed behind the designated item here.

Preview Playlist

  1. Move your mouse over the Playlist that you want to preview. Then you will see a magnifier iconMagnifier icon.
  2. Click the Preview icon; then you will see a pop-up window with detailed information of this Program.
Playback Simulator At the top of the preview page, there will be the playback simulator. You can see the playback of remote URL, image, HTML/Flash, and ticker. You won't be able to see the playback of video (except H.264 video) and clock.
Playlist Name The playlist's name
Playlist Contents The complete list of all items in this Playlist.

Edit Playlist

  1. Move your mouse over the Playlist that you want to edit. Then you will see the Edit iconEdit icon.
  2. Click the Edit icon; then you will open the Edit Playlist page and start to modify the playlist.
  3. After you complete editing, click Save to save the changes.

Delete Playlist

  1. Move your mouse over the Playlist that you want to delete. Then you will see the delete iconTrash can icon.
  2. Click the Delete icon; then you can delete the playlist from the CMS server.
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Upload Playlists

You can upload a playlist file to the CMS server.

  1. Click the Upload Skins , Upload Skins Upload button, and you will see a pop-up window.
  2. Click Browse to select the file (*.pls); then click Upload.
  3. After you upload a playlist successfully, you will see that it is shown in the LIBRARY > Playlist page.
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Export Playlists

You can export playlists, save them in your PC, and then upload them to other SMP players or CMS servers.

  1. Click Export Export icon and you will see all programs in the pop-up window.
  2. Please select those playlists you want to export and click Export.

    You cannot upload/export a playlist when you press Crtl+F10 to operate directly on a CMS server. Please use a PC to log in Web Manager via network and then upload/export the playlist.

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